About Us
Who we are
SAG, also known as Seniors Aging Gracefully, is an amazing group of people who bring people ages 55 and older together. Beginning in 2018, Seniors Aging Gracefully originally had around 20 participates. After meeting for about a month, word got around and over fifty members were in participates soon after. In November 2018 Seniors Aging Gracefully relocated to the Lamberts Point Recreation Center where they were home until the pandemic forced in person gatherings to stop. While these meetings were being held at Lamberts Point, the programs they had involved offering meals, cultural and educational programs, outings, workshops, groceries, clothing, and more to 80-100 seniors on a weekly basis.
Why we do it
One reason why Seniors Aging Gracefully was formed was because seniors were targeted in the community. Many have experience being misunderstood, taken for granted, negativity, mistreatment from family, health and wellness, and the list goes on. During the pandemic, the support system made from Seniors Aging Gracefully lead to calls coming from these seniors weekly requesting for them to return to in person meetings. By May 2022, the had the returning meeting with Gethsemane Baptist Church with 90% of the former participants returning the first day. The programed continued with at least 50 participants being present monthly.
What we do
With the return of monthly meetings, Seniors Aging Gracefully was able to have a partnership with Tidewater Arts Outreach to explore their artistic creativity. The program Seniors Wellness and Activity Group (S.W.A.G) also was formed. S.W.A.G involved seniors participating in programs to strengthen their mental and physical health. These activities include Arts and Craft, theatre and improvisation, line dancing, yoga, karaoke, salsa dancing, jazzercise, chair Zumba, computer classes, and more!
Where we are now
As of today, SAG hold their meetings at Gethsemane Baptist Church. SAG still hold their meetings monthly with many activities in between for their members to participate in. This includes everything stated above with the programs like S.W.A.G but these activities also include things like luncheons.